The Untold History: When Holy stone became a Toilet stone
Hazar al-Aswad, (the black holy stone) in Mecca is an important component of worship to all Muslims around the world. This stone is very familiar and a vital part of…
Hazar al-Aswad, (the black holy stone) in Mecca is an important component of worship to all Muslims around the world. This stone is very familiar and a vital part of…
“Gulaman Zakiya” is an Arabic word, which means the pure child, sinless child, faultless child or the holy child. This word is found in the 19th Surah Maryam (Mary) in…
মাশাল্লাহ্! এটাই তো আমরা জানি, শুনে এসেছি বহুকাল ধরে। কিন্তু এখন যখন কোরআনের পাতায় চোখ পড়ে তখন দেখি এর উল্টো চিত্র। শুধু তাই নয়, এতে দেখা যায় এক ভয়ংকর চিত্র…
Isa Al Mashee is “the word and His Ruh” is mentioned several times in many parts of the Quran. In fact, it talks about Isa 95 times whereas it talks…
Macca and the Ka’ba is a big issue in Islamic history. Muslims believe that Ka’ba has been built by the prophet Ibrahim (AS) Abraham, in his life time. But the…
Reading the Qur'an with understanding is much more important than just reading for the sake of reading it. When we read the Qur'an and try to understand its meaning, search…
What contains the Torah, Zabur, and Injeel or the Holy Bible? ‘The Books of the people’ or the Holy Bible as a whole, contains 66 books that provide 75% of…
Every Muslim knows about the heavenly books without any hesitation. They are even capable of describing (prophets to whom the books were given) which book was revealed to which prophet…